USB Sim Card Manager
Released on: July 16, 2008, 11:50 pm
Press Release Author: Undelete Files
Industry: Computers
Press Release Summary: Cellphone sim card recovery software restore accidentally deleted erased formatted text SMS messages, phonebook contact number with name, call history and other services information like 20 - digit ICC-ID number, IMSI number with name and PIN number.
Press Release Body: Undelete Files has announced Simcard information backup software scans and retrieves content stored in your sim card including text messages, contact numbers with name, phone book directories, and other information which are stored in sim card chip. USB Simcard reader utility does not require any expertise skills to operate the tool and recovers accidentally deleted lost inbox outbox draft sent items text message(SMS), contact name with number, Sim card service provider name, ICC-ID number, PIN number and recently call list that are lost due to human error, hardware failure, virus infection and any corruption or damage. Cellphone simcard data recovery tool support all windows operating system like 98, 2000 NT, ME, XP and Vista for recovery of deleted SMS from mobile phone sim card. GSM mobile simcard recovery software support read unread text message recovery with sending receiving date and time even Sim card is not detected by your mobile phone. Sim card contacts reader software require phoenix or PC/SC Standards based sim card reader and PC having windows operating system for salvages simcard data. Mobile simcard backup application is read only and non-destructive data recovery utility that scans Cellphone simcard deeply and detects all the recoverable information. Features: * Sim card information reader tool can fetch the inbox, outbox, draft, sent items text messages even they have been erased lost from your sim card memory. * USB Simcard reader Hardware utility provides recovery in minimal time and does not require any technical skill to operate it. * Simcard information reader software recover and restore sim card services information like 20 digit ICC-ID number, IMSI number, services provider name and PIN number. * Corrupted simcard rescue software repair contact number with name, phonebook directory, recently incoming and
outgoing call history.
Company Details: Company Name: Undelete Files Company URL: Download URL:
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